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financial program中文是什么意思

用"financial program"造句"financial program"怎么读"financial program" in a sentence


  • 财务计划


  • You can import or export qif files to work with other pc - based financial programs
  • Quicken is a very nice financial program , and would certainly perform the job with flying colors
  • For example , in the second half of the article , i ll show you how i designed a sed script that converts a . qif file from intuit s quicken financial program into a nicely formatted text file
    例如,在本文的后半部,将为您演示如何设计一个sed脚本来将. qif文件从intuit的quicken金融程序转换成具有良好格式的文本文件。
  • He hosts various well received financial programes on tvb , atv , cable tv and commercial radio 1 , and is also a financial columnist for various local newspapers and magazines , as well as the author of several bestseller investment guides . uncle 6 is actively involved in public services and serves various committees
  • He hosts various well received financial programes on tvb , atv , cable tv and commercial radio 1 , and is also a financial columnist for various local newspapers and magazines , as well as the author of several bestseller investment guides . uncle 6 is actively involved in public services and serves various committees
用"financial program"造句  


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